
The Red White and Blue Project

Our Troops Slideshow

Welcome to our Site!

 Every day is Veteran's Day at the Red, White and Blue Project

     The Red, White & Blue Project, Inc., is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in the United States of America. Our mission is to educate, inspire, support and empower through our veteran-themed documentaries, TV programs, docu-drama features, community outreach programs and public/scholastic fundraisers/screenings/presentations. Thank you for visiting our site! We trust you will spend some time getting to know who we are and for what we stand. It is our objective to not only earn your support, but maintain and nurture it through all phases of our mission. We leave a lasting legacy by documenting these compelling stories.

     All contributions and sponsorships, as well as merchandise purchases from The Red, White & Blue Project, Inc., are 100 percent tax deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines.

Help further our mission with your

tax deductible donation today!

Checks and Money orders

are welcome! Please mail to:

The Red White and Blue Project, Inc.

C/O Tony Hornus

President, TRWandBP

422 W. Corunna Ave.

Corunna, MI, 48817


(100% of your support stays in America)

Your tax deductible dvd purchase aids

our mission to educate, inspire and

empower, while lending support to

U.S. military veterans and their families.

(100% of your support stays in America) 

Honoring America's Best

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